traté de refugiarme
en mi casita interior
Esconderme allí
para contener los miedos
resolver las dudas
Hoy es un bálsamo volver
a oir a Beethoven
escuchar el silencio
ver el color de los pájaros
o el florecido jardín
Siempre está conmigo
aunque nadie la ve
I tried to find shelter
into my little house
Hiding myself there
to restrain my fears
to solve the doubts
Today it is a balsam
to hear Beethoven going back
to listen to the silence
to see the colours of the birds
or the garden in blossom
She is always with me
although nobody can see her
María del Carmen Sarquis, Habitar mi camino / Dwelling my path.
Viajera, 2015.